“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” – Genesis 50:20

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Recovery Playlist!

Hey lovely ladies, sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things got a little chaotic with me going out of town last weekend and now contracting what seems to be West Nile (no worries, I seem to be on the mend!). Anyway, I know something that really helps me when I'm feeling icky for any reason is some good music! A good, positive song can really help get you over the hump when you're having one of those down-in-the-dumps kind of days or when those voices are poking at you just a little too much, so I've decided to share my recovery playlist with y'all! I also attempted to link the playlist from my youtube so you can find the songs easier but no promises on how well that'll work. Fingers crossed. Feel free to comment below if you found another song that helps you so I can add it to my list!

(in no particular order)

1) "Try" - Colbie Caillat
2) "Beautiful" - Bethany Dillon
3) "More Beautiful You" - Jonny Diaz
4) "Skin Deep" - Zoegirl
5) "Mirror" - Barlow Girl
6) "One More Round" - Barlow Girl
7) "One More" - Superchick
8) "Crushed and Created" - Caitlyn Smith
9) "Little Victories" - Matt Nathanson
10) "Can't Go Back Now" - The Weepies
11) "Permission to Shine" - Bachelor Girl
12) "Recover" - Natasha Bedingfield
13) "Shine" - Carmen Rasmusen
14) "Don't You Know You're Beautiful" - Kellie Pickler


And if the link works, keep checking back because I'll keep adding more inspirational songs as I find them!

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